what kind of glasses do i need to watch the solar eclipse

How to View a Solar Eclipse Without Damaging Your Eyes

Editor's notation: The eclipse is here! Call up to utilise safe solar eclipse glasses and other equipment during the partial phases, and soak up the darkness during totality!

Nosotros're merely days abroad from the total solar eclipse of Aug. 21 , and information technology's a adept time for a refresher course on how to safely observe the event. Your parents probably told you to NEVER look directly at the sunday with your naked eye. In fact, you've probably been told that by lots of reputable sources (including our own Space.com). But co-ordinate to NASA and four other science and medical organizations, it's OK to look at a total solar eclipse with the naked eye — but only when the face of the sun is totally obscured by the moon.

A full solar eclipse happens when the key deejay of the sun is completely covered by the moon. Many people have probably seen a partial solar eclipse, in which the deejay of the moon appears to accept a bite out of the sun's disk but never fully obscures it. But total solar eclipses are a much rarer sight. And on Monday, a total solar eclipse will cross the continental U.Southward. from coast to coast.

A joint statement from NASA and the four other organizations says that with the right information, skywatchers can safely view the total solar eclipse in its full glory with the naked eye.

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Anyone in the United states of america on Aug. 21, 2017, volition be able to see at least a partial solar eclipse (weather permitting, of form). But merely those people in what'due south known equally the "path of totality" will see a total solar eclipse. For the Aug. 21 eclipse, the path of totality is virtually 70 miles wide (112 kilometers), and extends from Oregon to South Carolina. Depending on where observers are located, the sun may be completely obscured past the moon for up to two minutes and forty seconds.

The path of the total solar eclipse of 2017. Locations inside the path of totality volition experience up to 2 minutes and twoscore seconds of darkness. (Image credit: NASA)

"During those brief moments when the moon completely blocks the sun'southward bright face … day volition turn into night, making visible the otherwise hidden solar corona (the lord's day's outer temper)," according to NASA's Eclipse website. "Bright stars and planets will become visible besides. This is truly i of nature's most awesome sights."

Just in lodge to see this awesome natural sight, skywatchers need to know how to view the eclipse safely. In an effort to inform the public on this topic, NASA, along with the American Astronomical Gild (AAS), the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the American University of Optometry and the National Science Foundation, accept written and released an informational guide on prophylactic viewing.

Centre protection for looking at the sun

Looking directly at the sun without heart protection tin can cause serious center harm or blindness. Merely there are ways to safely observe the dominicus. During a partial solar eclipse, people often use pinhole cameras to lookout man the progress of the moon beyond the sun'southward surface (pinhole cameras are easy to make at dwelling house). This is an "indirect" way of observing the sun, considering the viewer sees only a projection of the dominicus and the moon.

To view the sunday straight (and safely), apply "solar-viewing glasses" or "eclipse glasses" or "personal solar filters" (these are all names for the same thing), according to the safety recommendations from NASA. The "lenses" of solar-viewing glasses are fabricated from special-purpose solar filters that are hundreds of thousands of times darker than regular sunglasses, according to Rick Fienberg, press officeholder for the American Astronomical Club (AAS). These glasses are then dark that the confront of the sun should exist the only matter visible through them, Fienberg said. Solar-viewing spectacles can exist used to view a solar eclipse, or to wait for sunspots on the lord's day's surface.

But beware! NASA and the AAS recommend that solar-viewing or eclipse glasses meet the current international standard: ISO 12312-2. Some older solar-viewing spectacles may meet previous standards for middle protection, but not the new international standard, Fienberg said.

"Manufacturers that encounter this standard include Rainbow Symphony, American Paper Eyes and Thousand Oaks Optical," co-ordinate to the data sail on prophylactic eclipse viewing. (Click whatever of the company links to find out how to purchase eclipse glasses). "Bootleg filters or ordinary sunglasses, even very dark ones, are not safety for looking at the lord's day."

Fienberg said some manufacturers are making solar-viewing glasses with plastic frames, rather than the traditional paper frames. While these may look like regular sunglasses, do non be mistaken. Sunglasses are never a substitute for solar-viewing spectacles. Fienberg said some people may even try to view the dominicus through ii or three pairs of sunglasses in an attempt to replicate the protective power of real solar-viewing glasses; however, fifty-fifty multiple pairs of sunglasses will non protect your eyes from sun damage.

Telescopes, cameras, binoculars and other optical devices demand their ain solar filters. Solar-viewing glasses are not a substitute for a proper solar filter on magnification devices. Never view the disk of the sun through a telescope, binoculars or photographic camera without a proper solar filter. Solar-viewing glasses are not powerful enough to protect your eyes from magnified sunlight. Even if y'all are wearing solar-viewing glasses, viewing the disk of the sun through a magnification device will effect in serious eye damage if the device is not equipped with a proper solar filter, according to the viewing safety canvass.

"The concentrated solar rays will damage the filter and enter your eye(s), causing serious injury," according to the safety recommendations. "Seek expert communication from an astronomer before using a solar filter with a photographic camera, a telescope, binoculars, or any other optical device."

Fienberg said there is no need for skywatchers to apply a telescope during the eclipse, but a pair of binoculars tin be helpful during totality. Merely, per the recommendations, practice non attempt to look at the disk of the sun through binoculars, fifty-fifty with solar-viewing spectacles.

The safety canvass offers these tips regarding solar filters/eclipse glasses/solar viewers:

  • Ever inspect your solar filter earlier employ; if scratched or damaged, discard it. Read and follow whatsoever instructions printed on or packaged with the filter. Always supervise children using solar filters.
  • Stand withal and cover your eyes with your eclipse glasses or solar viewer before looking up at the bright sun. Later glancing at the sunday, turn away and remove your filter — do not remove information technology while looking at the sunday.
  • Exercise not look at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sunday through an unfiltered camera, telescope, binoculars or other optical device.

Safety during totality

Now that you have some general data virtually how to view the sun safely, here are NASA and the AAS' recommendations for how to safely view the total solar eclipse with the naked eye. Once more, these tips come up from NASA's rubber information canvas here.

Viewers who are looking at the eclipse with solar-viewing glasses will be able to see when the dominicus'south face is completely obscured by the moon (because, once over again, the but light that can penetrate these solar-viewing glasses is the low-cal from the sun's disk). Viewers volition be able to observe the moon creep slowly over the sunday's deejay and eventually cover the dominicus entirely.

In the moments before totality, viewers looking through their solar-viewing glasses will see a crescent of lite from the dominicus growing thinner and thinner as the moon progresses over its face. In the last few seconds only before the disk of the sun is entirely covered by the moon, the crescent will break upwards into a series of pocket-sized dots of lite that look like beads on a string (typically at that place are about three to eight such dots, according to Fienberg). These are called Baily's beads (afterwards Francis Baily, the British astronomer who discovered them). One time the last dewdrop disappears, the face of the sun has been covered by the moon, and totality has begun. [Solar Eclipses: An Observer's Guide (Infographic)]

"If you are within the path of totality, remove your solar filter only when the moon completely covers the sun's bright face," according to the official safety data sheet.

This image from NASA shows that the merely fourth dimension information technology is safety to remove your heart protection during a total solar eclipse is when the disk of the sunday is entirely covered by the moon. (Image credit: NASA)

The safety information sheet besides recommends that viewers be aware of another desperate change that takes place during a full solar eclipse: Light levels drop dramatically, equally if the world had suddenly been plunged into sunset. This is one indicator that totality has begun and that it is prophylactic to take off your eclipse glasses.

When should you put your spectacles dorsum on? The official recommendations from the agencies propose that viewers put their solar-viewing glasses back on before any part of the sun's disk becomes visible once more.

"Feel totality; then, every bit shortly as the bright sun begins to reappear, supplant your solar viewer to glance at the remaining partial phases," the information canvas says.

To anticipate when the disk of the sun volition reappear, viewers should first be aware of about how long the total eclipse should final where they are standing — the full eclipse will last, at about, about 2 minutes and 40 seconds. The nearer that viewers are to the edge of the path of totality, the shorter the full eclipse will exist. Viewers who want to discover the total solar eclipse with the naked heart should endeavor to move closer to the center of the path and then that at that place is aplenty time to observe the eclipse safely.

Fienberg said that viewers should be enlightened of the moon moving across the surface of the dominicus during totality. The side of the sun that was the last to disappear backside the moon will exist opposite to the side that is starting time to reappear. On the side of the moon where the sun will reappear first, viewers should await out for the "blood-red hue" of the chromosphere, the layer of the dominicus's atmosphere that is closest to its surface. The sun volition begin to reappear just equally it disappeared — first as dots of calorie-free. If a dot of sunlight appears on the border of the moon, it ways totality is consummate.

Baily's beads and diamond rings

The AAS and NASA are expecting huge crowds to flock to the path of totality for the 2017 total solar eclipse, including more than experienced eclipse watchers. These seasoned observers may start shouting "Baily'due south beads!" when the spots of light announced at the edge of the moon. As the eclipse nears totality, people may as well shout "Diamond ring!" Fienberg explained that when but i "bead" is still visible at the border of the moon just earlier totality, it will glow similar a diamond, and the red corona of the lord's day will create a circular band of light. Together, they will wait like a diamond band.

Experienced observers may decide to look at the eclipse with the naked heart simply before the sun is completely covered by the moon, when the diamond ring appears.

"If you're in a group, you'll hear people commencement screaming, 'Diamond ring! Diamond band! Filters off!'" Fienberg said. "If you're paying strict attending to the recommendation that yous should non await at the dominicus without a filter, when whatsoever part of the bright face up is still visible, you lot'll wonder if all those people are going blind, but they're not. The reason they're not is because it only lasts a 2nd or then. And then it'south gone and you run across the corona, and it's dark and information technology'due south spectacular and beautiful."

While you may come across some people removing their solar-viewing spectacles earlier the eclipse reaches totality, this is not recommended by the official eclipse-viewing guide from NASA and the AAS.

What you'll see during a full solar eclipse

While Fienberg is adamant about eclipse-viewing safety, he is equally insistent that skywatchers should view the total solar eclipse with the naked eye, because the experience is like cypher else on Earth.

The sun's atmosphere "is e'er in that location, but we can't meet it," Fienberg said. "Satellites in orbit that block out the vivid disk of the lord's day can see information technology, but from the ground, we don't meet it except during totality. And it is simply magnificently cute. Information technology's awesome in the truest sense of the word. Information technology but makes your jaw drop. The commencement time yous see it, you just can't believe how cute it is. And it brings tears to people'southward eyes."

This composite image captures close to what the human eye sees during a total solar eclipse. The ribbons of light are the sunday's temper, which is controlled past the magnetic field. (Paradigm credit: NASA/Due south. Habbal, M. Druckmüller and P. Aniol)

The sun's temper isn't a uniform haze like the Earth's atmosphere, Fienberg said. It's "a tangle of streamers and jets and loops and twists, and all kinds of stuff, because it'south controlled entirely by the sun'south magnetic field, which is very tangled and twisted."

The chromosphere, the atmosphere closest to the sun'southward surface, "is an unbelievably beautiful, pure magenta-cerise color. If the chromosphere is active and there are eruptions going on on the border of the lord's day, you'll see prominences — they look like flames or jets of this really beautiful hot-pink magenta gas that are extending out across the silhouette of the moon," he said.

None of these features will be visible to viewers wearing eclipse spectacles.

Fienberg is an eclipse chaser; he has traveled all over the world to come across total solar eclipses. On his very offset eclipse-viewing trip, before seeing the issue, he met a human being who hosted a music radio show in the city where Fienberg lives. The radio host was an eclipse chaser, and Fienberg said he'd never heard the host talk about astronomy on his show.

"I'm non interested in astronomy," the man told Fienberg. "I'yard interested in dazzler."

"That told me right and then on my first trip, this isn't just about astronomy," Fienberg said. "This is about dazzler. This about existence out in nature and being i with the universe — I mean, information technology sounds lightheaded! But you actually experience similar you lot're merely function of information technology all and you're privileged to be able to meet such a cute matter."

The unified message from Fienberg, NASA, the AAS and many other sources regarding the upcoming eclipse: Discover safely, and get to the path of totality on Aug. 21, 2017!

Follow Calla Cofield @callacofield. Follow u.s.a. @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on Space.com.

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Calla Cofield

Calla Cofield joined Infinite.com'south crew in October 2014. She enjoys writing almost black holes, exploding stars, ripples in space-time, science in comic books, and all the mysteries of the cosmos. Prior to joining Space.com Calla worked as a freelance writer, with her work appearing in APS News, Symmetry mag, Scientific American, Nature News, Physics World, and others. From 2010 to 2014 she was a producer for The Physics Primal Podcast. Previously, Calla worked at the American Museum of Natural History in New York Urban center (easily downwards the best office building ever) and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California. Calla studied physics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and is originally from Sandy, Utah. In 2018, Calla left Space.com to join NASA'due south Jet Propulsion Laboratory media team where she oversees astronomy, physics, exoplanets and the Common cold Cantlet Lab mission. She has been hole-and-corner at three of the largest particle accelerators in the earth and would actually similar to know what the heck dark matter is. Contact Calla via: Email – Twitter


Source: https://www.space.com/35555-total-solar-eclipse-safety-tips.html

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